Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Snow Man

You may be thinking...
The first snow man for Quint and Russell...
and you would be right...
but it is also the first snow man for BK.
BK was not raised where it snows
some would say "how fortunate for him" others maybe feel "how sad".
Whichever camp you are in,
hopefully we can agree...
your first snow man is a big deal.
We rarely get good snowman snow around here...
So, when we got a storm of wet sticky snow and BK had the day off...
He was pumped!
Here is the "first" snow man
Russell woke up from nap and was jealous...he hurried outside to help

Pretty good for a first try:)

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

What an exciting first! Love the "real" face on the snowman! No coal and pipe laying around?