Friday, January 21, 2011

Flashback Friday

Recently a few of our good friends have had their first babies...
its awesome...

I caught myself flashing back to our beginning as parents...

I remember...
wishing people had shared with me more of the messy details of birth...
yet understanding why they didn't (smile)....

trying so hard to learn a completely new role...
and feeling completely unprepared and overwhelmed...
(I still feel this way often)

BK and I stressing about every little detail....
Keeping stock of gas drops, because we were sure every time Quint cried it was gas....

reaching a new level of emotion I never knew was possible...
love, fear, anxiety, more love, guilt, joy, exhaustion, and more love....

realizing our life had been completely changed...

A flash back to us as new parents....

Christmas 2006 (Quint 1.5 months)

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