Saturday, October 2, 2010

A third parent

I have decided there are many times in my life where I could really use a third parent. When BK is working and I need to be two places at once....when I didn't sleep because someone was up all night and I'm dying for a nap.......when I had the flu last winter and couldn't move, etc.

Another prime example is when we are about to have a baby.

Ideally BK and I could be at the birth, but that leaves us with two boys with no where to go. We don't have family in town, state or even within our time zone. We had gracious offers from friends to watch the boys but I didn't want to drop them off in the middle of the night with our friends who all have a few kids of their own. Since we don't have a third parent hanging around.....

Grammy flew to the rescue!!

My mom's life is busy.....but she dropped everything for 10 days to come to be our third parent.
It would have been really rough without her here to step in.


Here are some pics of her time here.

Arrival: Day before baby arrives!
Her first order of business: take BK out for his birthday:)
He chose Hardees...
The boys were pumped too
She watched the boys during the birth and brought them to meet their new brother

Grammy meeting Rett
She took Quint to preschool

She was a huge help at the park

Played with the boys and showed them photos on her computer
Boys are all about wrestling....Grammy got in on the action

Thanks again for all the help!

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