Friday, October 15, 2010

Date Night

With three kids under 4

and a budget

Date night at our house....

looks a little like this:)

Someday we will be able to go out to sexy small table dinner and sit for hours...
not worrying about how bedtime went, or if Rett needs to nurse....
It will be great when we get there....

for now our life is bedtime.
Full of stories, bath, animal crackers and milk.
For now, Rett needs me every 3 hours....I know someday he won't.

Someday I may be able to go to tiny table dinner with my handsome husband,
but I will probably be jazzed if my boys call me on a regular basis.

So we embrace it.
For now, a quiet house, cozy couch, a beer, and a red box is a super hot date.

Speaking of embracing it: time to feed Rett.


The Blackley Tribe said...

Love it! I tell Jason that someday I'll be begging the kids to come home so that I'll have a reason to clean the house...someday I won't have a pitter patter down the hall!
Oh, and that's our kind of date night too!

Derricca said...

i needed this today....thanks