Friday, May 21, 2010

reality lives in my rear view mirror

sometimes you are in a hurry and
a very long train comes....

Today it happened to us.
My instinct was to be frustrated....
I looked in my rear view mirror

I saw two little men full of
joy, awe, excitement, and happiness.

I realized:
Reality lives in my rear view mirror

In my rear view mirror:

Big freight trains are cool
Seeing one pass by is awesome!
and time is not an issue

I forget about my reality of schedules and time.
I choose to live in the reality of my rear view mirror.
I put the car in park, and rolled down the windows so we could hear the bell, clanking, and
clackety, sounds of the train.

Guess what?

We still made it to the doctor.
And, all day the boys talked about the train.
Totally worth it.

I hope every time I am stopped by a train, even if it is long after the car seats are removed from my car, I will be reminded of the simple joys of life.


The Isbells said...

Love this! You're right - and Forest would be ecstatic at the opportunity to sit and watch a train so close!! Well done, Momma!!

Andrea G. said...

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. The bridge on Sheridan is perfect to sit on a bench and watch puffer bellies drive under you if you want to give the boys some more excitement :)

rebeccaharper said...

love it when you write christy... you have always been so good.... Enjoy the little things for sure!