Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Face Plant

Is it just my children, or does everyone's children get injured at the park?
We have had our fair share of episodes were I have left the park with a crying child. Fortunately, we have never been to the emergency room from a park incident....(knock on wood!)
Today was gorgeous. We headed to the park to play and have a picnic lunch with friends. It was great.....until........the face plant.
It seemed harmless, I was pushing Russell in the swing. Quint was swinging on a big swing on his belly.
All the sudden:

Quint leaned a little too far on his swing and flipped the swing. He landed face first in the wood chips. I grabbed him and his face was covered in dirt and wood chips. He calmed down after a bit, but we headed home.
Is this just our family?

My fear is it is either a side effect of having two parents who are very uncoordinated on land, or a mommy who has attention issues.....

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