Thursday, September 30, 2010

a moment: I give it a "C"

It is officially my 8th day as a momma of three. I felt like things were going pretty well. I can handle this.....right? Granted my mom was still here being a huge helper. We got to preschool on "red day" and I had Quint dressed in Red. VICTORY! We walk into class and I notice the children are lining up in the front of the class, not on the circle like normal. All the mommas were pulling out their cameras and flip video recorders. I wave of anxiety rushed over me. It was their first time singing for us, and I don't have my camera.

I watched my awesome little man do his red song, in his red shirt. I tried to ignore all the other mommys who were talking pictures and recording the moment. Quint did a really great job. I know in my brain that it is not a huge deal, but my fear is I will be stretched too thin and Quint, Russell or Rhett will suffer because I can't handle mommy life of three under four. Another friend who has three close in age told me "you have to let some things go". I am not sure I can do that.

While I was trying to feel better about the missed Red day moment, Mom and I took Russell and Rhett to the mall. We had a plan to let Russell play in the play structure while I nursed and then go shop for some essentials. I was half nursed and Russell took a hard jump. He was hurt. Russell is normally very tough so I was not too stress till I saw the blood. His mouth was gushing blood! I handed mom the baby and ran Russell to the bathroom. He had bit a big hole in his tongue. It was gashed open. I didn't think they could do anything for tongues but we decided to go home and call the doc. The doctor could only see him during preschool pickup time, and thankfully mom dropped us off and went to get Quint. Russell was fine, but as we walked home from the doctor to meet mom, I began to think, how would I do this alone? What would I do? Post pone the doctor so I can get Quint? Ask a friend to get Quint? I can't be two places at once....

I still don't have a plan for the emergency tongue gash during preschool pick up. Guess I will cross that bridge if it happens again. We got home and everyone took naps and I was exhausted. It is only my 8th day being a mommy of three, and if I had to give myself a would be a "c". Definitely room for improvement.

Thank God, tomorrow is a new day.

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