Monday, June 8, 2009

Russell Turns One!

Today our Russell turns one! It is amazing how fast the time goes. Just a little bit about Russell these days:

Loves to laugh
Sleeps 11-12 hours:)
Four teeth, but not a biter
Loves people
Very tough, we call him bruiser because he will take a tumble or bump and just keep on charging
18 month-24 month clothing
Loves to snuggle
Loves carbohydrates, not a big fan of meat or veggies....could be a problem later!
Three ear infections and tubes in his ears
Very verbal but no words yet
Loves attention from his big brother
Actually, just loves attention
Nicknames: RussRob, Russ the Bus, Bruiser, Russell the Muscle.

We couldn't imagine a better addition to our family! We love our little Russell.


Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Russell! Love the hat - the second baby is the cutest! ;)

Not that I am bias or anything...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Russell!! Can't believe you are already 1. You are a Cutie Pie!!
Aunt Sandy

Derricca said...

Christy! Thanks so much for inviting us to his party. We had a great time, and Abigail kept on talking about it. Just read through probably February of your blog. I love it! So entertaining. You are an amazing person/mom. I hate that I am so busy, I can't hang out with you more. :( If you are around for residency....I will join the stay at home mom club!! :)