Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In a pile of cushions?

Its an early morning, we vary between a 6-7 am start time, but today it is definitely before 6.  I am eagerly watching my coffee drip when I hear...
I don't run, its early and I have learned to decipher the "i am dying cry" and the "I just want you now cry".
It was definitely the lader:)
As I came around the corner, I saw Russell buried in couch cushions.
"What is wrong" I asked Russell.
"Heeelllppp, I am stuck in the cushions!"
Head down, legs up and surrounded by cushions....
I was did you get in there?....
but I was afraid he would say he dove in head first...
I dug him out and gave him breakfast.

It was great to laugh that early in the morning:)

1 comment:

Derricca said...

Abigail was up at 5:30 yesterday too! We did not have a good day :( I'm glad you could laugh...such a good sport. Jessica read the text you sent....awwww I miss you! Made me teary eyed.