Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ball...and other cool Rhett things:)

We were having dinner at a friends home, and they have a dog.  
Rhett sees the dog, stops, points, and says "dog!" 
 His language is bursting and it is super fun. 
 Other new words "ball" and "ut-oh" 

He is also started shaking his head yes and no.  
He doesn't just casually shake his head though, he shakes his head fervently.
  Fast and decisively:)  
It is super cute.  

He loves to walk backwards 
(a new skill)
The big boys love to hold his hand and help him walk down the stairs 
(like a big boy)
I would prefer crawling backwards, 
Rhett thinks he is big, and the boys love it so I won't argue...

He is in the mix, the big brothers don't always love it, 
but I remind them he is part of the crew too....
I am amazed at how much he picks up from watching them...
drives cars around,
plays little legos, 
digs in the sand box,
wrestles with the big brothers 
is even a strong contender in the evening match against Daddy!

He is nearly 19 months....

1 comment:

The Blackley Tribe said...

Makes me look forward to when the little guy cookin in my belly is 19 months old! See, having 3 boys can be fun ;)