Saturday, December 3, 2011


In order to totally ruin Thanksgiving Weekend, 
I became deathly sick.
Most importantly a HUGE apology to Sylvia since I did not see her the second half of her trip, 
and I missed her birthday celebration.

Super lame of me.
Just not sure how to avoid it, maybe airborne this time of year?  
More vitamins?  
More sleep? 
Who knows but I need to avoid a repeat.

Here is my SICK story.

Woke up the day after Thanksgiving, 
super SICK.

I thought it was flu since I managed to get everyone a flu shot except myself.
But turns out it was worse.
I had fever, chills, couldn't eat, couldn't move, 
seriously I felt half-dead.

When it had been two days and I was not better, knew I had to do something.
BK had told me to go to urgent care the day before when he was home, but I did not listen.
It just seemed impossible.
But, Sunday BK had to work, and I knew I had to so something.  
I couldn't take care of the boys.

So, I mustered up all my strength and loaded the boys in the car and drove to urgent care.

It was wonderful, no line.
I sat in the waiting room, half-alive while the boys played with some toys.
It seemed like forever but I know it was only a few minutes since there was no one else waiting.

The sweet doctor lady came in, 
maybe mid-forties, African-American, and so sweet.

As she examined me I started to cry, 
"I am soo sick"
I really questioned if I was going to get better, if it was flu it was really bad.
Plus, you always hear on the news how so many people die from the flu each year, 
I always thought those were really old people, but I was wondering if I was close to being a statistic.
Seriously, I felt HORRIBLE.

She said "don't worry honey, I have been doing this fifteen years, we will get you all fixed up"

I felt so reassured.

Then she popped her head back in and said
"you have strep throat!"

I almost cried from relief, 

I will get better.   
I felt like I had won the lottery, 
I was half-dead and I would be cured in just a day or two.
with my little strength, 
I got them back in the car, 
dropped the prescription at the drive-thru pharmacy
while I was dropping it off I thought drive-thru pharmacy was a great invention for sick people, 
only second to antibiotics:)

Then while we waited I drove got the boys McDonald's {gasp}
Yes, it is my dark secret that in desperate times I do that.....

Then back to the drive thru pharmacy for my DRUGS.....

Since then, 
I am better!!!!
The good thing about getting super sick and then better, 
I have never been so jazzed to be able to do laundry, 
walk around, 
or even clean bathrooms.
It all seemed impossible just a few days ago:)

Its funny what smacks perspective into you.
I can get whiny, selfish, or caught up in the little day to day things so easily.
But, just 72 hours of raging sickness will teach me every time.  
It reminds me to appreciate the daily, 
the routine, 
the laundry,
 the snotty noses, 
the vacuuming, 
the dance parties, 
the cooking, 
the Lego building,
 for we are richly blessed.

Not sure why I forget it so easily.
I will try harder to remember this time.

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