Sunday, June 27, 2010

6 years ago today

This afternoon, as I walked our boys up from the lake after a swim, I realized something. It was about this time 6 years ago was walking up these same stairs to my very handsome future hubby.
It was our wedding day:)

This is what it looked like then....

When I said I walked up the stairs it was probably an understatement.....
I was sprint walking.
I would have ran if it would not have looked ridiculous!
My dad actually whispered to me to slow down.
I just remember thinking I can't wait to get up there!

Luckily BK stuck around...and a few minutes later we were married!
We sealed it with a kiss:)

I can't believe it has been 6 years.
I can't believe how much we have grown.
I can't believe what an amazing journey it has been this far.
I am so excited to share many more years.

My walk up the stairs from the lake looked very different today.

My day looked much different from wedding day too.

We played water table...

We swam in the lake....

Russell was a great usually!

Quint built a large block wall. He took it very seriously:)
Like I said, it was a very different day than the one six years ago!
Six years ago I was thrilled have one Richardson man in my life forever.
Now I am blessed with 3 and one in the oven:)
My little men are keeping me busy, but I wish I could be with the first Richardson man I ever loved...and still love desperately.

Our anniversary date is postponed for now...but I can't wait for it:)

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

LOVE the wedding pictures!!! SO fun! I am enjoying staying updated even if it for BK :) Hopefully we can still get in a play date or two when you get back. We weren't around much of June and now you guys are gone July :)