Monday, March 29, 2010

What coloring looks like at our house

Coloring has never been a very successful activity at our house. For some reason, we still attempt to do it from time to time. It usually lasts less than 10 minutes and creates a huge mess. I always attempt to keep the markers on the paper, but sometimes I just have to let go. Thank God they are washable! Here are some pictures from our latest attempt to color.

The pictures were actually turning out well till Russell and Quint determined they were a living canvas.

Quint was so pleased with his mustache
The final work of art:)

1 comment:

Susan said...

The boys are sooo fortunate to have YOU as their mother!! Honey, I would have trouble letting them color on themselves.... and the food in the hair ~ Oh how wonderful God created us all different :-) Lov ya Mom