Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One week left as a twenty-something...

I have one week left of being a twenty-something. As I prepare to enter my thirties, I have been reflecting on my twenties.
When I turned twenty I cried. Not because of the age, but more my perception that you must "be more adult" as a 20 year old. Prior to twenty, when I would royally mess up, I would think...I am a teenager. For some reason it was comforting. Therefore, the transition to 20 was a frightening undertaking.
My twenties were full of growing pains, and amazing growth. Some moments where I was beaten down, lying flat on the floor, to others where you could not pluck me off the ceiling:) During this decade I made peace with not being "normal". I also learned playing it safe is not the FUN choice:) My twenties were challenging, striving, exciting, briefly stagnant, fun, loving, and alive.
Overall, how could I not love a decade in which I turned back to God, found a career I love, met my love in life, and was blessed with Quint and Russell. I learned a lot in my twenties, and although I don' t know if I am ready to say goodbye to them, I am so grateful for this decade.
I am going to enjoy this last week:) If anyone wants to know how old I am today I will gladly tell you 29!


Anonymous said...

My Dear Christy,
You have brought so much joy to others in life, it is hard to believe that you are only going to be "dare I say it"...30! We are so proud of what you have accomplished in life, not only for yourself but for your family. Happy 30th Birthday my love, the best is truly yet to come!!
Aunt Sandy

Julie said...

I have to agree that the 20's for me too will be hard to beat. Some of the best accomplishments- polo, college, love, marriage, children, new home, travels = big changes and fun times overall. I'll catch up with you soon in the 30's and try to give you a run for your money- who know's... maybe Christy in Cali will be back and we'll trump our 20's with kids in the mix!??! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! LOVE YOU.