Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fears of being 30

When I turned 20 i was afraid of learning to "be more adult". So, I have been thinking, what am I fearful of in my 30's?
Well, just to name a few....
I know, it is viewed as old by many groups of people! (I used to be one of them)
ok it is vain, but, seriously, it is not possible to look as cute as I did when I turned 20. Questions have been running in my I too old for long hair? Do I have to start wearing make up all the does look better....ahhh. Do people think I am old when they look at me? It is stupid, but aging is lame.
For some reason, I view mom's of kids (schoolagers) to be much older than new mom's with babies. It does not make sense, since it is only a few years difference for the child, but i perceive it to be much older. So, I am fearful of being a mom of "kids". Maybe it is more I am fearful that raising children will start to add wrinkles, gray my hair, and overall make me look more haggard. I am not sure what the secret is, but some mom's look rockin' you see them at the store and their kids don't whine, and they look like they actually brushed their hair. That is my goal. I am fearful of the mom you see at the store who looks beaten down by life. Clothes don't match, or they have spit up on them, kids are going crazy and they are just trying to get some milk. Sometimes I feel like that mom, and it freaks me out....I am wishing for rockin' mom experiences...fingers crossed.
I view this as a critical decade in raising our children. I am fearful that I will not do a good job. I am fearful of not having all the answers, or not being diligent enough. When I leave my 30's Quint with be 12 and a lot of his formation will be for you praying people, please pray that we will be the parents God calls us to be, and if we don't have the answers, we will seek Him first.

As a 30-something, I hope to embrace this decade and tackle its challenges. I hope to still flirt with my hubby, and never let our marriage become stale and boring. I hope to be an active, fun, intentional momma. Overall, I think my 30's are going to rock...I hope to give my 20's a run for their money:)

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