Monday, March 9, 2009

Will I miss this?

Tonight I was washing dishes, and Russell was just cruising around the kitchen. He is very proud of himself lately because he is a competent crawler and furniture surfer. He was standing using the cupboard as his crutch, when he grabbed on to my pants and began moving around my legs. He stood there for a while, jumping and pulling on my pants and I began to wonder, am I going to miss this?
With two young ones under three, I can feel more like a jungle gym than a mom. By evening I am exhausted. During these evenings when I just want to scream "stop touching me" I reflect on what many older, wiser people have told me. These are the best years. I am a bit weary of these words. Different people have told me high school, college, just married, and now raising young ones are the best years of your life. I am not sure who is correct or how I will feel when I am older and wiser, but it has helped me to relish the moments. Maybe that is the wisdom. Every stage has "bests" in it, but the important part is to relish the moments. So, as I wash dishes and Russell pulls at my pant leg I take a breath and enjoy the moment. Because, wise people have told will miss this.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ah, cherish the good moments, but get a gate to your kitchen and cherish THOSE good moments too... cooking with a glass of wine in your kid free kitchen with their cute mugs JUST on the other side of the gate. It's a topper to all those OTHER good moments.