Monday, March 9, 2009

Where are you going?

Everyday I am amazed by how much our boys grow and learn. Today I caught a video of Quint playing with his blocks. While I watch him maneuver the blocks questions run through my mind...what is he thinking? Why that block there? Does this mean he will be a designer or builder? Maybe architect? Did Gallo do this as a young child? BK mom recounts how he loved order as a he just like BK? I could go on and on....but when raising children it is hard not to wonder when you look at them...where are you going? And, can I tag along? Watching you grow and learn is like witnessing a miracle and I don't want to miss it. I am so excited to see where Quint and Russell go, and I plan to enjoy the journey. I don't know if this song was intended for this, but it goes with my questions, and sometimes I don't feel like the superwoman I need to be to raise our boys properly. That is why I choose it.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow Quint!
You worked hard placing your blocks in just the right spot :) You kept them all on the bench ~ Wow