Saturday, September 13, 2008

Come Out and Play

Russell is reaching a very fun age. He can play in the activity center and bounce in his bouncer! I love that he is interacting, laughing, and smiling. Quint always tries to love on Russell but today he played with him a bit. It was so cute to see him trying to play around Russell. Here is a short video we took:) I hope this is the beginning of lots of fun play times together.


Julie said...

Thanks for blogging. So FUN- they play with each other! I have a new little man in my life that Luke is charging around with. His name is Greyson and is 2 years old. I'm watching him full time for extra cash- answer to prayer. Miss you all!

rebeccaharper said...

I am so happy to see beautiful pictures of you and your family....Miss ya!

Erin said...

I love this video, especially with the music in the background!!! Russell is so cute and looks so strong!!!! I miss seeing you and the boys. Talk to you soon.
