Monday, February 28, 2011

Grammy saves the day!

Mom has made it a tradition to come visit us for a week in February.
We really look forward to it.
We do "special" fun things, with the boys.
Mom spoils us.
It is super fun, right about the time winter is beating us down.

Well, this year it went a bit different.
Five minutes before we left for the airport to pick up Grammy,
Quint threw up on the floor.
Then, there was explosive poo on the car ride.

It got worse.
I got it too.
That night, Quint and I are throwing up.
It was bad.
I couldn't keep water down.

We were all hoping it was a 24 hour bug.
It wasn't.

I was totally useless,
and Mom was the hero.

As an aside, she hates throw up.
But, she cleaned it up,
washed clothes, blankets, and pillows covered in it.

While she cleaned, she took care of Russell and Rhett, and nursed Quint and I.
We picked her up on Monday, I got out of bed Thursday, and Friday we drove her back to the airport.
It was not the visit we had hoped for,
but she was our angel.

When she left my house was cleaner than I have ever had it.
I had a new mop and broom:)
And we felt so blessed by Grammy.


Our hero, with the new broom and mop she got us....
(my mom loves good cleaning tools)

We did get a few pics of Grammy with the boys, but it was too short!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Christy .. it wasn't what we expected, but I was GLAD to be there so I could help! It was wonderful when BK came home to chat with me! I loved having the time to bond with Russell and Rhett! I did miss our time together ... with that can't wait until SUMMER :-)
Lov ya,