Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All-American Halloween

We planned to take the boys trick or treating. Our friends graciously invited us to come trick or treating in their neighborhood. It was awesome. Unlike our neighborhood, their neighborhood is full of children, and the street came to life as the sun began to set. Many of the homes were decorated. Two Dads were actually dressed up as past coaches for the Hawks. (If I was a good Hawkeye fan I would know who they were supposed to be) In our crew we had a very scary lion, tiger, and a bat. Our friends had two very cute cupcakes, and another little lion:) The boys tired quickly, but we made it around two small blocks before calling it a night. As we drove home, BK said "that was the most wholesome Halloween I have every experienced. When he said this, I reflected. True I thought, I only saw one boy dressed as a gross scary horror character, but I saw lots of animals, and even Winnie the Poo. It was also a happy vibe. All the neighbors knew each other, chatting on the sidewalks. "Totally" I responded. Then BK said "I didn't even see one bag snatcher!"
What the heck is a bag snatcher?!? BK could not believe I had never seen a bag snatcher. BK went into his stories of bag snatchers. If you are as naive as me, bag snatchers dress in all black and steal little kids candy bags. How do they live with themselves...I wondered to myself....I can't imagine what I would do if someone snatched one of my boys bags....look out for momma bear:)

Here are our pics from wonderful Halloween (free from scary costumes and bag snatchers)

Quint the roaring lion....
Russell the happy lion
Rhett the not so happy bat:)
The whole crew (minus our little bat)
Ellie, Russell, Quint, Zack, Hannah
Hannah and Quint led the charge
Can you tell we are in Hawkeye country??
Russell usually was lagging behind:)
But he never missed out on the treats...
Russell was so proud to show off his candy!
So exciting....they needed to run!
they ran fast!
Toward the end they got tired but kept going....

A tired lion needed a lift from Daddy...
Cutest Lion, Tiger, and Bat ever!


Unknown said...

Your boys are so beautiful!
And that little bat costume is simply adorable :-)

Erin said...

love all the pics... looks like everyone had a great time. The bat costume is awesome...