Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quint's Projects

Quint is our project man. Once he finds an objective he becomes very focused on seeing his plan through. He also gets very frustrated if it does not work out the way he plans. I love watching how his mind works, and seeing what he creates. Here are a few just from the last month or so.
Here Quint filled the cup with foam road pieces and then was pouring water in the cup. The funny part was when the cup became very full the foam pieces became unwedged and floated to the top of the cup. Quint was shocked and said "oh dear!!!" I tried to explain, but I am not sure he understands buoyancy yet:)
many of the projects involve making things into trains. Russell is often a passenger.
very nice double decker train bridge with blocks
Another train
It was close to bedtime and Quint enlisted Russell to help him stack as many toys in front of the bedroom door as possible.
Did he think it would delay bedtime?
It was a very nice effort.
BK and I had fun watching them build the barricade.
They still had to go to bed though:)

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