Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Train

My Grandpa bought this train when my mom was a young girl. Ever since I can remember he set it up for Christmas around the living room at my Grandparents home. I have very fond memories of playing the train. Grandpa at the controls as we loaded it up with wood pieces. Watching it go behind the couch and around the room. Great memories.
This spring Grandpa passed away. Just about the same time Quint fell in love with trains.
This Christmas, my mom borrowed the train from Grandma. I know Quint's Great-Grandpa would have loved to see Quint's joy when he plays with the train. I have countless memories of my fabulous Grandpa, but this Christmas his train is a great one.
The Train
Uncle Dave and Quint playing with the train
The boys, and the train (notice the block tunnel)
Quint examining were to load the train....
Grandpa and Granma always had the train going around the living room, it was fancy. This is our first time, we kept it simple.

1 comment:

rebeccaharper said...

The boys are getting so big!!! Miss you so much... thanks for the comment!