Monday, September 28, 2009

Apple picking....

Visiting the apple orchard is big out here. So, when Aunt Rebecca was into we made the trip. What is the saying "when in Rome..." It was a bit chilly out but we had a great time. Quint loved picking the apples and carrying them in his bucket, and Russell loved to eat them. It worked out great. Don't know if I could have done it alone, it was awesome having Aunt Rebecca there to share the memory and help me make sure I didn't lose one:)
It wasn't a big sign....and just a little one way dirt road.
There is so much to love about our state:)

Look Apples!
Russell is a walker...thank goodness, it was a hike to the good apples
Aunt Rebecca and Quint picking an apple
Russell eating the apple
Quint was so proud to carry his own bucket
In the orchard
Look at my apples!
Very Iowa, it really is that cute
Still eating apples...on the way home:)

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