Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Moving Day again!

End of July, early August is moving time in Iowa City. We decided to move for again, to be closer to school for BK. Even though we lived a short 2 miles from school it would take BK nearly an hour on the bus system. Now, he is only a 10 minute walk from us! We get to see him so much more and it was totally worth the moving hassle.
We love our new place, Quint calls it a castle but it is really just an very old fraternity house that has been renovated. We live in what used to be the "library". Its a bit smaller than our old place but very unique, it reminds us a bit of our place in Boston.
Since everyone in Iowa City moves at the same time U-hauls are impossible to come by. We were so blessed by our good friends who offered to help with their family business trucks. We are so grateful for their trucks and their muscles! We couldn't have done it without them. Quint and Russell were so flexible during the process. They even tried to help with the play structure:) Overall, it was very smooth move.

Special thanks to the Balmers for all their help, and to Mark (the previous tenant) for moving out of our new apartment a few days early so we wouldn't have to be homeless.
Plumbing truck by day, moving truck by night:)
Big muscles required to move our very fancy sofa
(a gift from John and Elaine...Thank you!)
Little men, big helpers
Moving into our new "castle"
Empty Truck....All Done!

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